Wednesday, February 15, 2012

It is complete!

Sorry for the lack of posting this last week. Mark and I found out we are getting a house in a week! There is A LOT of stuff to do for this process, and it is time consuming as well as energy draining. Add to that some early allergies, and I have been plopping on the couch and falling asleep super early.

The painting is done! Well, it needs a varnish...but the pretty part is done. Generally I am happy with it. For not painting for a while, I think it turned out pretty well. There are some technical issues I can see I need more practice on, but it came out a little better than I expected. I'm just happy I completed something! That's the best part. It's going to my mom's store on Friday, so I'll let you know how it was received.

Wow, what to work on next? I think there may be a sweater desperate for completion in our future....

Have a good night!


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